"Sparked by the death of his father and birth of his daughter, Comedian Bill Santiago goes in search of answers and laughs at the border of science and religion, exploring the comic nature of the cosmic quest for understanding existence, life and death (not necessarily in that order)." (IndyFringe program)
If you would like to laugh until your brain hurts, this is the show for you. Santiago is the physics teacher you wish you had had in high school, and after seeing this show, you will pass your AP Physics exam with flying colors! Covering theories, principles, and axioms of Heisenberg, Einstein, Schrödinger's cat, and a probing diatribe into "what is nothing?" Santiago has a deep respect for the facts, and clearly has done his research.
On the flip side of his devotion to science, he wrestles with his religious upbringing that seemed at times more superstitious than sacred. "I wanted to call my show, Why is the Virgin Mary Such an Attention Whore? but that domain name was already taken." He takes the audience on a sweet and sometimes heartbreaking story about growing up in New York with his loud, contentious, yet deeply loyal family. "My dad was a terrible husband but he was a terrific father," he says with a twinkle--or was it a tear--in his eye. After his father dies and his daughter is born, Santiago's life takes a turn he didn't expect--down the road of the love where there are no theories, no principles, no proof--only the warm, soft postulate that the heart holds more wisdom than the brain.
One thing that will never change is Santiago's reverence for comedy!
In the audience were Dwight Boothroyd and his friend, Amy. (Sorry, we didn't catch your last name, Amy!) Boothroyd was born in Noblesville and lives near downtown Indy. Other than IndyFringe, Amy and Dwight agreed that their favorite Indy event is St. Patrick's Day parade and various parties around the city. They picked Santiago's show because they appreciate smart, adult humor. After the show, Amy remarked that Santiago was both creative and highly intelligent, "combining comedy, physics, and religion." She continued, "He was very sincere about his father and daughter and his material was very easy to relate to."
Dwight Boothroyd and friend Amy after laughing their hearts out at Immaculate Big Bang at IndyFringe16. We think your love of Indy is beautiful, Dwight and Amy!
We caught up with Santiago after the show. After growing up in New York City, he began traveling the country with his comedy. This is Santiago's first visit to Indy and only his second Fringe show. (He recently wrapped a successful run at Washington, D.C., Fringe Festival.) "I have been hearing great things about IndyFringe for years now--that audiences are great and enthusiastic and that people are really friendly, so I decided to give it a try." After only a day in Indy, he is already singing the praises of IndyFringe. "I was in shock! My opening night was a full house, and no one here has ever heard of me! People here are so friendly and welcoming. My host family has gone out of their way to see that I am comfortable, and Pauline [Moffat] has helped me tremendously."
Bill Santiago enjoys a post show chat with many satisfied audience members. Welcome to Indy and IndyFringe, Bill!
Now that's what we like to hear, Indy!
Bill, we still think you're perfect, but you're no longer a stranger!
Catch more performances of Immaculate Big Bang's limited run at Comedy Sportz!
- Fri 08/19/16 7:30pm
- Sat 08/20/16 3:00pm
- Tue 08/23/16 6:00pm
- Thu 08/25/16 9:00pm
- Sat 08/27/16 1:30pm
- Sun 08/28/16 3:00pm
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